Reversing Light Lens…..Failure and then Success!

I removed the lens yesterday which I moulded earlier this week, and just as I suspected, I was short on resin.  What it did show me was that I could get more air out of the process (and also that I could make a comb if I wanted to!!).

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I moulded up another one yesterday with some more resin, which I pulled out this morning.  Although there are still some micro bubbles, it is the best one yet, and totally useable.

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I cleaned it up and went to install it on the car.  The screws that hold the lenses on have always been tight, like there is something in the threads, so I cut a groove in the screws to enable them to clean the thread as they screw in (a bit like a tap).  They went in much easier, and were both able to bottom out.  It worked so well I removed the screws on the other lens and did the same, with the same result 🙂


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I also bought a pressure chamber on eBay which i will use to try and eliminate the bubbles all together.

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